Guidelines for Sponsoring a New Member
The prospective member should be a resident of Southborough, actively desire to support the objectives of the club, attend at least four meetings a year, be interested in community beautification projects, workshops and be willing to assist when asked. The prospective member must attend a regular meeting before applying for membership, and include a letter of interest. The sponsoring member should review the Bylaws and Standing Rules with the prospective member and submit a letter of recommendation.
Once a prospective member has been accepted as a member, the sponsor should accompany him/her or make accommodations for him/her to be welcomed at the first few meetings. The sponsoring member shall also make every effort to see that the new member actively participates and will provide the new member with whatever guidance as may be needed.
An active member may sponsor one new member a year. If a sponsoring member changes status, a replacement sponsoring member must be submitted. All letters shall go to the Membership Chairman. Annual dues are payable upon notification of election to membership. The membership of anyone whose dues remain unpaid after the November meeting shall be considered forfeited.
I have reviewed the objectives of the Southborough Gardeners with:
(Applicant’s name)
He/she understands his/her obligations as a new member and agrees to abide by the By-Laws and Standing Rules.
(Signature Sponsoring Member)
Application for Southborough Gardeners Membership
Name: ____________________________
Address: __________________________
(home) ____________________________
(cell) ______________________________
​Email: _____________________________
Member: ___________________________
(Print Name and Sign)
Date of Regular
Meeting Attended: __________________
Southborough Gardeners was incorporated for the purpose of educating and promoting the public’s interest in gardening, horticulture, floral design, conservation and beautification of our homes and civic landscapes. By making this application, I am currently a resident of Southborough and agree to abide by the Bylaws and Standing Rules of the Southborough Gardeners including:
each year attending at least 4 meetings,
actively serving on one or more appointed committees,
contributing to hospitality,
participating in one or more community beautification projects, the November Guest Day and the plant sale, and
contributing to library flowers.
I understand that dues are to be paid by the November meeting. I further understand that I must fulfill all of these obligations to remain a member in good standing. I hereby grant the Club permission to use my image for any lawful purpose, such as publicity, illustration, advertising and online content.
(Signature of Applicant) (Date)
Please note that I am interested in serving on the following committee(s):
____ Hospitality
____ Program
____ Flower Arrangement
____ Town Beautification/Conservation
____ Ways and Means
____ Communication